Well…HERE THEY ARE! My top pick photographs for the year 2013. Seriously…how is it the end of 2013 already?!! So insane how time flies. I look back at these photographs and think of how much fun I had with my business this year. These are not in any type of order. Some sessions even have multiple images in this list!
I was… well…stupid to think I could have narrowed it down to my top 10. I couldn’t even narrow it down to my top 20. LOL! I guess it is good that I can’t narrow my top photographs of the year to only 10. Who can do that? For whatever reason all these photographs REALLY stuck out to me. Whether it’s location here in Kenosha, Milwaukee, or even in Tennessee… lighting, colors, sky, emotion. I just LOVE these photos! There are a TON more images that I really love, but I couldn’t make a top 100 list, or it would take me two days to blog about it! Hahaha. There are a few images that would DEFINITELY be on here…but for business reasons I have to keep the photos top secret (for now at least). A few most recent images, I haven’t even had a chance to blog about the session yet.
I would also like to take a little bit to also thank ALL OF YOU! I am so grateful for what every new year brings, and how many amazing people I get to meet. From Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, all the way down to Gurnee and Chicago Illinois. Even a family from New York City who comes here to Kenosha to visit family. I couldn’t ask for more fantastic clients who trust me to capture their precious moments. I couldn’t dream of a better “job” if that’s even what you want to call it. I LOVE what I do. I love working with new people. I love making 1 year olds laugh. I love wrapping up sleeping newborns in cute props. I love running around on the beach in 100 degree temps to capture the perfect lighting with my seniors. I love photographing outdoors in the freezing cold for a beautiful winter setting. And to think… none of this would be possible without all of my AMAZING clients and supporters!! I appreciate all the kind words, all the “likes” and comments on my Facebook page. None of it goes un noticed. Trust me. It keeps me motivated to keep going, and to push my business forward.
So thank you……